New Aluminium Casement Windows for Your Next Installation
More and more our homeowners want to improve the energy efficiency of their property. And the first way to do that is through their windows. Casement windows are believed to be the most energy efficient model on the market, and aluminium is considered the best material. When the two meet, they create thermal efficiency that you would not believe.
For us in the north, cold draughts and condensation can be unbearable. That’s why you want to choose the best materials for your renovation or new home. Keep your home warm and dry when you choose aluminium casement windows in either top hung or side hung styles.
D&I offers competitive prices for top quality products, and we’re always happy to hear back from our customers whether that’s in Wakefield, Barnsley or other South Yorkshire towns.
Tight Corners
Sheerline’s state of the art construction means that the screws are placed inside the mitre joints, creating perfect 90° angles without any protrusions. These windows are perfect for refurbishment because they are easily adjustable.
What truly makes these corners special is that they seal in the glass to create a ‘beadless’ window, making it more difficult for intruders to remove the glass. You’ll have security and perfection with these aluminium casement windows.
Ultra Secure
No window would be complete without improved security. That’s why we make sure that we have multi point locking systems available. Ensure that your home and family are safe using the newest materials and strongest locks.
These aluminium casement windows are made with extra space in the frame for ease of installation with multi point locks. These locks won’t protrude from the frame and ruin your lovely sightline. Instead, you’ll have aesthetic and secure windows for your home.
Energy Efficient
As window installers, we know that single glazing is outdated and inefficient. That’s why we use double glazing, always. With double glazed aluminium casement windows, your U-values can be as low as 1.4 W/m2K, better than government standards.
Keep the draughts and moisture out of your home when you choose these improved aluminium windows. With polyamide thermal breaks that help ‘break’ heat loss, you’ll have better insulation than ever. If you think that’s great, wait until you hear about triple glazing.
Sleek Sightlines
Aluminium is one of the best materials on the market for its thermal efficiency and low maintenance. But because of its incredible strength, manufacturers can use even less material. With smaller, sleeker frames, homeowners have a modern look.
Or you can choose one of our woodgrain finishes to maintain a traditional home. That way you get thermal efficiency and aesthetic allure. Improve the kerb appeal of your home with the simple addition of aluminium casement windows.

Aluminium Casement Window Prices Barnsley & South Yorkshire
Don’t waste any more time. Use our quoting engine to price your new aluminium casement windows today. Let our friendly team walk you through the installation process.

D&I supplies to trade in South Yorkshire. If you are a tradesperson looking for aluminium casement windows, get in contact with our friendly team so that we can talk today.
We hope that our frequently asked questions help you resolve any problems you might have. If you have more questions, contact our Barnsley team today through form or phone.
Where does D&I install?
D&I works in South Yorkshire, from our base in Barnsley all the way up to Leeds. You can get in contact with us to see if we install aluminium casement windows in your area.
What’s the difference between aluminium and uPVC?
What is a mitre joint?
Aluminium Casement Windows Brochure
Our brochures offer more technical specifications, like sash size, glazing, U-values and more. Take a look at the aluminium casement windows specifications.